Researchers at Cardiff University are working with the International Postpartum Psychosis Consortium to learn more about the condition.
Webinar: Psychosis and Schizophrenia – How research can make a difference
To mark National Schizophrenia Awareness Day 2023 we hosted a webinar which brought researchers from across Cardiff University together to discuss their current research into the diagnoses.
Traumatic loss of a child and timeless attachment: David’s story
After the tragic loss of his daughter, Anna Phillips, David founded a mental health charity in her name which supports people facing trauma related mental health challenges.
New study: understanding the impact of traumatic experiences
A new study has been launched to learn more about PTSD and complex PTSD in order to develop better therapies for those affected.
Bipolar UK launch the results of the Bipolar Commission in Wales with the National Centre for Mental Health
On Tuesday 6 June, members of NCMH, Bipolar UK and the public came together to launch the Wales Bipolar Commission, which marks a bid to make Wales the most bipolar-friendly country in the world.
New Study: Girls Growing Up with ADHD
This study from the National Centre for Mental Health aims to identify behaviours linked to ADHD that are more common in girls and young women in order to inform the development of a new, gender-inclusive ADHD assessment tool for primary school children.
Getting young people with autism and learning disabilities into employment: NCMH finds out what works
The NCMH have worked with Engage to Change, a seven-year project which has provided employment support to over 1000 young people in Wales with a learning disability or autism.
Postpartum psychosis: from research to recovery
As part of Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) hosted a webinar on postpartum psychosis (PP), a mental illness following giving birth with symptoms ranging from delusions to mania, depression and confusion.
Making menstrual health a part of everyday conversation
This April 2023 we joined the International Association for Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) for #PMDAwarenessMonth2023 to raise awareness of premenstrual disorders through social media campaigns and in-person events.
Breaking the stigma: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Around 80,000 women and people who have periods are living with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) in the UK. Laura was diagnosed with PMDD in 2019 after living with symptoms for fourteen years. She has kindly shared her experience with the NCMH…