The Cardiff University Celebrating Excellence Awards give university staff the opportunity to celebrate and thank those colleagues who exceed expectations in team, collaborative, and individual capacities that cover a range of categories.
The National Centre for Mental Health brings together world-leading researchers from Cardiff, Swansea, and Bangor University to learn more about the triggers and causes of mental health problems.
“All of us at the National Centre for Mental Health were thrilled to be nominated for the ‘Excellence in Research’ category of Cardiff University’s Celebrating Excellence Awards 2022,” commented NCMH Director Professor Ian Jones.
“We were even more delighted that we were able to take the award home, especially given the incredible work of our fellow nominees,” added NCMH Centre Manager Dr Sarah Knott.
The NCMH is a world-leading resource for mental health research with a participant cohort of over 24,000 people as well as research into specific areas of mental ill-health, such as a Reproductive Mental Health Programme and Digital Support study for young people.
This work underpins our research programmes aimed at better understanding the biological, psychological and social factors contributing to mental ill-health, so that we can help to improve diagnosis, treatment and support for the millions of people affected by mental ill-health every year, as well as tackle the stigma faced by many.
Over the last two years, the NCMH has received over £60 million in funding, contributed to 317 research outputs, and has been awarded 52 grants.

This year’s ceremony took place in the Great Hall at the Student’s Union and was hosted by Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Damian Walford-Jones and Chief Operating Officer, Claire Sanders.
NCMH representatives Holly Pearce, Leon Hubbard and Dr Sarah Rees; and the Head of the School of Medicine, Professor Steve Riley were also in attendance.
“It was a privilege to receive the excellence in research award on behalf of the NCMH team at this year’s Cardiff University Excellence Awards,” comments Holly Pearce.
The most profound recognition goes to all of our participants and the NCMH team and who have supported the research during its phenomenal success in recent years and I am very grateful to be a part of that.
Dr Sarah Knott also acknowledged Health and Care Research Wales and thanked them for their continued support and funding.
“Of course, none of what we do would be possible without our participants who give their time to take part in research studies – they really do deserve the biggest thank you of all,” she continued.