In November this year we hosted a webinar discussing postpartum psychosis which was sponsored by the Section of Women’s Mental Health of the European Psychiatric Association and was in collaboration with Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP).
National student mental health project comes to Cardiff
Nurture-U is a national research project that is finding better ways to support university students with their wellbeing and mental health. An online survey is currently open to students at Cardiff.
Shedding light on the symptoms of ADHD in girls and women
Researchers at Cardiff University are working to understand more about the symptoms and presentation of ADHD in girls, young women, and non-binary people.
Exploring ADHD in girls, young women, and non-binary people: Piece of Mind Podcast
On this episode of the Piece of Mind podcast, we are discussing a new study into ADHD in girls and young women.
Showcasing digital tools to treat and diagnose mental health conditions at Government event
NCMH researchers were invited to Lancaster House by the Welsh Secretary of State for Wales, David TC Davies, and the Wales Innovation Network (WIN) to demonstrate the digital tools being developed at the NCMH to treat and diagnose specific mental health conditions.
Cardiff University joins global research effort to learn more about postpartum pyschosis
Researchers at Cardiff University are working with the International Postpartum Psychosis Consortium to learn more about the condition.
Webinar: Psychosis and Schizophrenia – How research can make a difference
To mark National Schizophrenia Awareness Day 2023 we hosted a webinar which brought researchers from across Cardiff University together to discuss their current research into the diagnoses.
Traumatic loss of a child and timeless attachment: David’s story
After the tragic loss of his daughter, Anna Phillips, David founded a mental health charity in her name which supports people facing trauma related mental health challenges.
New study: understanding the impact of traumatic experiences
A new study has been launched to learn more about PTSD and complex PTSD in order to develop better therapies for those affected.
Bipolar UK launch the results of the Bipolar Commission in Wales with the National Centre for Mental Health
On Tuesday 6 June, members of NCMH, Bipolar UK and the public came together to launch the Wales Bipolar Commission, which marks a bid to make Wales the most bipolar-friendly country in the world.