NCMH researchers showcase digital tools at Welsh Government reception in Brussels

NCMH researchers Dr Amy Lynham and Dr Catrin Lewis were invited by the Wales Innovation Network (WIN) and Welsh Higher Education Brussels (WHEB) to demonstrate the digital mental health support tools they have been developing at a Welsh Government St David’s Day event in Brussels.
Photo of attendees at the research showcase reception in Brussels
Picture of Dr Catrin Lewis and Dr Amy Lynham presenting at the NCMH stand in Brussels

The showcase celebrated the strength and breadth of research and innovation (R&I) taking place across several Welsh universities and is part of an ongoing commitment to innovation and collaboration in Europe through the Horizon programme .

In attendance was the First Minister of Wales, Rt Hon Mark Drakeford who highlighted Wales’s dedication to drive forward groundbreaking research initiatives that benefit the economy and society:

“One of the most remarkable characteristics of our universities is how well they deliver research considered to have an internationally excellent impact.”

Dr Amy Lynham was demonstrating a digital platform that is used by clinicians to test memory and cognitive function in patients with psychosis.

Dr Lynham said: “This event marked the UK’s re-association with the EU’s research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, and it was an honour to be invited by the Wales Innovation Network to showcase our work again.

“It really was an excellent opportunity to engage with senior leaders from across the globe, including staff from the European Commission and national funding agencies and to demonstrate the Cardiff ONline Cognitive Assessment (CONCA) in real-time!”

Read more about CONCA.

Dr Catrin Lewis, whose research area focuses on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was invited to demonstrate Spring, an innovative digital guided self-help programme to treat PTSD and complex PTSD.

Dr Lewis said: “It was an honour to participate in this prestigious showcase in Brussels. It was a great opportunity to demonstrate Spring, but also to discuss the success of the programme so far and share our future plans with research leaders from across Europe.”

Spring, which has been developed by the Cardiff University Traumatic Stress Group, has already proven as effective as face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy with a trauma focus (CBT-TF) in their most recent trial, RAPID.

Reflecting on the day, Rt Hon Mark Drakeford noted:

“Now we are fully associated with the Horizon Europe programme, we have a major opportunity to strengthen international partnerships, attract global talent and carry out cutting-edge science and innovation that deliver tangible benefits to society in Wales and beyond.”

Find out more about Wales’s commitment to innovation and collaboration across Europe.

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